Top 5 Innovative Proposals to impress your girl this Valentine

Saying ‘I Love You’ to your crush offering a red rose is an archaic style and if you seriously want to hear a gratifying reply from your crush in this cutting-edge era; you need to move on and upgrade your proposing approach. Every man desires an extraordinary relationship with the girl of his choice and therefore there is no point in going for cut-and-dry proposals to impress the queen of his dreams. Every year, Valentine Day arrives with hope and ecstasy but not every man is lucky enough to relish his triumph. If the woman or the girl, whom you are willing to propose, holds a special corner inside your heart then you must not try the boring and nerve-wracking old proposing approaches as there may be lots of princes willing to approach your princess in a better manner. You need to be enthusiastic, confident and come out with a unique style of proposal that makes your girl mull over your approach whole night long. It is not important whether you are a player or not – all you need to do is be honest and out-of-the-way. You can try some outlandish proposing styles this Valentine season and bob’s your uncle.

Top 5 proposing ideas

The most vital motto while going to propose a girl should be to win her heart and trust. Your proposal should not be either too much flattering or too much derogative. A perfect balance of spice is demanded by a perfect valentine proposal. Trying the below mentioned top 5 unique proposal ideas can definitely make a difference.

  • Box inside the box gift: This is a very fresh and moving idea especially suitable for teenagers seeking a sweet love story ahead. Boys can arrange few empty boxes of different sizes which can fit into each other. All the empty boxes need to be covered properly with colorful plastic covers. A card need to be pasted on the outermost box naming ‘My Life’ and a note should be left inside the innermost box reading ‘No matter how many layers you open, my life will always seem empty without you’. This sweet try of yours may ring the bells inside her heart.


  • Gifting blank wedding card: If you are already having a friendship with the girl you love then this Valentine Day is the perfect moment to take the relation a step ahead. You can gift a pink or red blank wedding card to her and ask her if she wants to add your surname there after her name. No matter what she says, momentary grief is far better than the lifetime repent.


  • Gifting a bouquet with multiple colored roses: This is also a great idea for the grownups. If you have found the deserving girl to be your better half, then go ahead with a giant bouquet containing roses of different colors. Without ruining the sweet moments using much words, just tell her that you have chosen the red rose for her to express your feelings and now its her turn to respond by choosing a color for you. The answer will either be positive or less painful.


  • Asking her to help in shopping: If you know a girl since a long while and she is pretty comfortable in hanging around with you then you can ask her to help you regarding shopping. You can take her to a ladies boutique and ask her to choose a dress for your BAE. When she is done with her choice, show her the mirror and introduce your BAE right there.


  • Online gift order: If you know your girl in person then order a romantic gift of her interest from any online shopping portal for her. Meet her personally and ask her whether she wants to grow old with you accepting the valentine gifts like this forever.


Getting a perfectly compatible partner is a matter of fortune but to get the partner you want to be compatible with is in your hands only. No need to spend this Valentine Day sitting in a dark corner and listening to the sad songs. Get some courage and try these beautiful and innovative ideas to write your own love story.

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